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How to Stop Negative Thoughts

January 24, 20246 commentsAuthor Cynthia Greene

How to Stop Negative Thoughts

Do you think negative thoughts help us?   Do they bring life to your body, mind, spirit?  You probably answered no.  Let’s explore why.

In any given day we have some good, bad and neutral thoughts. Thoughts in our head come from three sources:  1) ourself, 2) God or 3) the enemy (Satan). Studies have proven that thoughts can have a positive or negative effect on our health. Managing our thought process is one of the most important things we can do for our emotional, physical, and spiritual health.

It is important we take the time to consider what we are thinking and how our thoughts are driving our emotions, words, and actions.  Being actively aware of our thoughts allows us to take the time to notice them, asses and then determine if the thought is a negative/toxic one or if it is a positive/Godly one.

Simply put, think about what you’re thinking.

What are Negative Thoughts?

Examples of negative thinking can include thoughts of:  Condemnation, Confusion, Fear, Pride, Lies, Jealousy, Guilt, Shame, Self-Righteousness, Regret, Denial, Anger, People-Pleasing, Depression and Loneliness, 

Negative thoughts are false beliefs (“lies”) that influence our thoughts, emotions and actions. They can lead us to feeling sad, anxious, worried, fearful, depressed or without hope. 

Scripture tells us that Satan is the “father of lies” (John 8:44) and he will influence our thoughts to mislead us into believing things that are not true (“lies”).  A thought based on a lie can become a core belief that then has the power to negatively affect our view, words and actions. These beliefs influence our attitude towards ourselves, others and even God. 

What Does It Mean to Renew Our Mind?

The dictionary definition of the word “renew” is to make new; restore to freshness, or to make new spiritually. It also can mean “changing into something new and different”. 

We have the ability to renew our mind so that our thoughts, words, emotions, and actions are more aligned with God’s Truth.  Renewing our mind means seeing life through the lens of God’s Word and inspiration of the Holy Spirit instead of through the lens of our experiences, circumstances, worldview, and opinions of others. This transformation is mentioned by the Apostle Paul in Romans:

“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is good, acceptable, and perfect will of God.”  (Rom. 12:2)

We renew our mind (i.e. “our thoughts”) by choosing to align our thoughts with the truth of God’s Word.  When we recognize thoughts from ourselves or the enemy that do not match God’s Word we need to put them away and replace them with Godly thoughts.

“Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;” (2 Cor. 10:5)

When we intentionally change and choose to think in ways that align with God’s Word, it literally creates new connections and pathways in your brains.  Through the process of neuroplasticity, your brain can literally be reconfigured.  Neuroplasticty is defined as the ability of the nervous system to change its activity in response to intrinsic or extrinsic stimuli by reorganizing its structure, functions, or connections after injuries.

Steps to Battle Negative Thoughts?

“For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” (Prov. 23:7)

Step 1:  Prayer

Ask the Lord to guard and direct your mind.  In our daily prayer we can ask God to help us recognize negative thoughts and compare them to His Truth about the matter.  Ask God for His help to apply Philippians 4:8.

Pray to God that He will give you Godly thoughts about things that He wants you to dwell on.  Thoughts that are in agreement with us having trust and faith in Him.  That is why daily prayer is very important.

As negative thoughts about a certain situation come to your mind, ask God to help you see your situation through God’s eyes. Ask that scriptures come to mind to counter the negative thoughts. Ask for guidance on what you can do about a situation and recognize what you need to leave to God.

Step 2:  Recognize Negative Thoughts

God has not left us defense-less against negative/toxic thoughts.  He has given us the offensive weapon of the sword of the Spirit which is God’s Word (Ephesians 6).  Being grounded in God’s Word helps us to recognize right from wrong, truth from lies, and identify negative/toxic thoughts. With a growing and  deeper relationship with God, we find His scriptures are more in our minds and the easier it is to evaluate our thoughts.    When you find yourself dwelling on things in the future, stop and instead find scriptures to dwell on that tell us not to fall into fear, doubt and worry.

Ask yourself, “Are your thoughts…

      …true to the facts that I know about God”

      …honoring to God?”


      …encouraging to me and to others?”

      …building or tearing down my faith?”

      …building myself and others up?”

       …praising and thanking God?”

       …giving you hope?”

Only the Word of God can truly change our life and the way we think.  Changing our thoughts and reactions will not happen by our own strength. Our thoughts need to be evaluated through the lens of the Word of God (John 17:17). Scripture tells us to “take every thought captive” and not be “conformed to this world”:

Step 3:   Renew Your Mind

The battlefield is in our minds.  Renewing our mind means imprinting in our brain beliefs that are grounded in the Word of God and His way of Life.  It is choosing to not conform to the ways of this world. Scripture says: “The thief comes not, for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” John 10:10). 

Once we have identified thoughts that do not align with God’s Word we need to replace (“renew”) those thoughts with the promises and truths from God’s Word.  God’s Word will help us identify lies and identify truth. 

Commit to relying on God to direct and help you with situations you are facing. Remind yourself of God’s promises that He will help us and never abandon us. His scripture reminds us to “cast our cares” on Him. As a suggestion, write out scriptures that you can reference, when the negative thoughts return, that will remind you that God is in charge and not to worry.

Fill your mind with the things Paul writes in the book of Philippians 4:

“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”  (Phil. 4:8)

Step 4 :   Repeat

This is not a one-time fix. Do not be surprised when the same negative thoughts come to mind again.   Now that you recognize them as lies, continue to fight the lies with the truth and promises of God. It will take time and work to renew your mind and re-wire your brain. Our thought process will not be rebuilt overnight.  That is why it is important to daily renew our minds through prayer and studying the word of God.  Keep in mind that with God all things are possible and it is not by your strength but through Him that you can overcome and rewire/renew your brain to build healthy thought patterns and reactions.   God created us with free will so no one can change your thoughts for you, we have to choose to do it ourselves. 

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Controlling Toxic Thoughts and Emotion

Words Matter

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  • Looking up scriptures to see what God says about renewing our mind (for example:  2 Tim. 1:7, Psalm 119:164, 1 John 4:4, Col 2:8, and Prov. 23:7)  
  • Discussing this topic with a friend and encourage each other in this area of growth.
  • Creating a drawing, art piece, or collage that illustrates God as your strength, shield, your strong tower, or your comforter.
  • Writing out scripture cards that remind you of God’s promises and Truth from the Bible.
  • Printing out Philippians 4:6 Scripture cards HERE
  • Start and end each day in Gratitude
  • Notice what you are speaking out-loud about yourself and others.  Are your words true and kind?

Suggested Journal Prompts to Renew Your Mind:

  • What negative thoughts do you have most often? What fears are driving these thoughts?
  • Write down a lie you might be tempted to believe and then write the truth right next to it.  Add a scripture to back-up the truth.
  • When do these thoughts come up the most and/or what triggers them? (When you are tired or discouraged?)
  • Are you thinking about yourself in an unkind way?
  • What scriptures come to mind that you can use to change your thoughts from negative to positive?
  • Reflect on times when God’s comfort and presence have brought you joy in the midst of anxiety, loneliness, or depression.
  •  Keep a daily list of how and when God worked in your situation for your good.



  • P.S. I DO keep a list of ANSWERED prayer so that I can refer to it during times of discouragement, etc. I need to print this commentary to keep with it!! I really do appreciate this SO much!! Thanks again!! **EXTREMELY** helpful!! 😊👍👍👍👍

    • Renee Pitts

      Thank you , realizing I’m in a battle but ,also leaning to reject low self esteem. Asking God to pull down those stronghold in my life. God loves and care about me, and wants the best for me. Thank you so very much for this.

      • A

        God will help you to renew your mind as you dwell on the scriptures that tell us who we are in Christ. You are His unique creation (2 cor 5:16-17) You are a child of God (John 1:12)

  • EXCELLENT!! This is MUCH appreciated and MUCH needed!! THANK YOU!! I have spiritual needs and sometimes I struggle with HOW to pray and or what to ask for. Your commentaries have given me ANSWERS and this is a prime example!! I will be studying these scripture in depth as I struggle with negative thinking from time to time. I am sure that the problem is ubiquitous or we would not have been given the example in Phil. 4:8-9. Again, THANKS SO MUCH!! You obviously have a gift and you are using it to serve others which equates to agape love in ACTION!!

  • This is EXCELLENT and MUCH APPRECIATED and NEEDED as well as HELPFUL!! I have a List of problems that occurred and how God intervened in a positive way. I can look over it whenever I get discouraged. Your suggestions regarding what to pray for are VERY helpful!! THANKS SO MUCH!! I am going to study this in depth. 😊👍

    • A

      This is great idea keeping track of answered prayers. It is a way to be encouraged when we look back at all He has done for us.

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