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Favorite Scriptures

February 20, 20230 commentsAuthor

Sharing favorite scriptures from fellow Sisters-In-Christ. I hope you will find them inspiring and encouraging.

From Sylvia: Romans 8:28 is so comforting, because even when bad things happen we know that the Father and Jesus Christ are with His people who love Him and keep His commandments,

We can rest in the promise that regardless of our circumstances, everything will work out for our good and benefit. We just have to trust in God’s timing.

Even if during the time of trouble we cannot see our way around it, God always has our back and whatever we have to endure will work out in our favor in the end.

 That is why I love this scripture and it is one of my favorites.  As we head in toward the end of this age, this verse is a great one to memorize.

From Jill… Psalm 119:11 reminds us that God’s word is to be a treasure to us, something that we are to hide, cherish and keep safe. We constantly have to be on guard against Satan and the traps and temptations he lays out for us.

When we have God’s word and truth living inside us we can draw on for the spiritual battles that lie ahead. Memorizing scripture, sharing how God is working in our lives with each other, singing scripture- based songs, and reading our Bible are ways we can place God’s word in our hearts and minds.

From AshleyPsalm 56:8 is an interesting verse. It paints a picture of God collecting our tears.  Even though sad things come to life, we can have peace knowing that our Father loves and cares for us.

from Jane….It is hard to choose a favorite scripture because there are so many that I love. Proverbs 3:5 has always been a source of encouragement and hope when I have faced different trials and life challenges.

How can we go wrong if we trust in God and allow Him to guide and direct us? This scripture promises us that if we acknowledge Him, He will direct our paths.

Considering the troubling times we are now living in, this scripture brings me comfort. I may not understand why challenges come, but I can trust in God’s hands to hold me.

Song: My Prayer For You

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