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Wonders of Creation: Honeybees

January 6, 20230 commentsAuthor
Bee on pink flower

Bees are quite a marvel to watch and an amazing part of God’s creation. Their behavior, communication, and flight patterns are very sophisticated. 

Communication in honeybees turns out to be vastly more sophisticated than originally imagined. Research is revealing … a collective intelligence that … makes one pause to ask whether these creatures may be more than just simple, reflexive, unthinking automata.” Source

Beekeepers collecting honey from beehives

Growing up we had bee hives on our property and harvested our own honey. It can be quite a process harvesting the sweet nectar the bees make. First, you have to approach the hives wearing protective clothing and using a smoker calm the bees. Then the frames of the honeycomb are removed, the honey is spun-out, filtered then put into jars. The honey color and flavor varies depending on the nectar source the bees have visited.

My neighbor is a beekeeper, and we frequently see her bees visit our garden. Recently she brought over a jar of wonderful amber colored honey that she had harvested. We like to think that our gardens have contributed to the wonderful taste. 

You are probably familiar with the black and yellow bees.  But did you know that bees come in a wide variety of other colors that include:  white, red, orange, green, and blue.  Check out these amazing photos.  There are even PURPLE colored bees, see images here.

Interesting Facts

Scriptural Application

God’s words and truth can bring sweetness to our lives and our desire for God deepens as we draw closer to Him in prayer and study. In the Bible, King David wrote:

“How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” – Psalm 119:103

 “More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.” – Psalm 19:10

The next time you see bees buzzing about in your garden, or add honey to your cup of tea, remember that even though bees are small in size, they are an incredible testament to God’s creation.

Bee Quotations

“Honey from the Earth” features the photography of Eric Tourneret who spent fifteen years traveling the world to capture the breathtaking diversity of bees and beekeeping traditions on six continents. 

Inspiring Song:

Song: Psalm 19

Inspiring Videos:



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