Thoughts on Phil 4:8 / Author: Sonia McDonald
Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.
To me, these uplifting verses, written by Paul to the Church in Philippi, are to give us peace of mind in this troubled and disturbed world. Firstly, he advises us not to be anxious. The anxiety in this world runs rampant, with many people on anti-depressants, including a record number of youth, and suicides are up to record numbers. Paul explains how we can attain peace of mind, by following His God given step-by-step specific instructions.
- Be anxious for nothing
- Go to God in heartfelt prayer and put forward your request.
- Our Father loves to give us good gifts. Make sure you are full of thanks for all He has done for you and given you, and for Christ’s shed blood that covers your sins
- Then the peace of God, through the Shalom of Christ, will fill your hearts and allow you to cope with the situation/trial you are going through.
- His answer to your supplication may be yes, no, or later, but His Holy Spirit will give us the strength we need to endure the situation.
Then Paul tells us what we need to concentrate on during these difficult times in our lives and during the darkened days of end-time events. We are told, not to concentrate on the negative things in our lives, nor the evil and negative things in this world. Instead, we are commanded to focus on all the positive and good things we see around us, and on the promises of the Eternal.
We are to look for and focus on all we see that is: “honorable, just, pure, lovely, of good report, if there be any virtue, if there be any praise”. We need to concentrate on these things and keep them in our minds, and thank the Eternal for them. Become less self-focused and instead look to God, His Goodness and His gifts of good and righteous acts that are still evident around us.
Lots of love to you all my sisters in Christ.
May we all be filled with the Shalom of Christ and focus on the good and positive things around us.
Sally Conway
Thank you to Sonia for sharing from the heart! I appreciate all the thought and work that Cynthia puts into this website. May God bless you both!