Lessons of Faith and Strength / Author: Cynthia Greene
Throughout the Scripture we read stories of Women who stand as powerful examples of faith, resilience and God’s transforming love. Each woman’s story reveals important lessons that are relevant to us today and can offer inspiration and encouragement for Believers today. Here are just a few examples:
Sarah teaches us that nothing is too hard for God. Despite her old age Sarah bore a child Isaac, at the age of 90, showing that God’s promises are always fulfilled, even when circumstances seem impossible. Bible verses about the story of Sarah can be found in Genesis 17:16, 18:12, 21:6–7, Hebrews 11:11, and 1 Peter 3:5–6
Hagar reminds us that your past does not define you. She was exiled into the desert and God sustained and provided for her and her son Ishmael. As a servant who faced rejection, Hagar was still seen and loved by God. He used her in His plan, demonstrating that no one is beyond His grace and purpose. Her story is found in the books of Genesis 16 and 21.
Hannah shows us the power of answered prayers. She was barren and desperate for a child. She prayed and poured out her heart to God for a son. She promised to dedicate him to God’s service. God answered and she gave birth to Samuel. Her story encourages us to pour our sorrows out God and trust in His timing, Her story is found in 1 Samuel 1:2-2:21.
Esther exemplifies trust in God’s timing. She was a young Jewish women living in Persia who was chosen by the King to become Queen. She risks her life to save the Jewish people from destruction. Her courage to step forward for her people resulted in God’s deliverance of an entire nation. Esther’s story encourages us to trust in God and have hope, even in the most difficult of times. His timing and deliverance are always perfect. The entire book of Esther tells her story.
Ruth demonstrates the power of loyalty and faithfulness. A Moabite widow, Ruth chose to follow her mother-in-law, Naomi, and trust in the God of Israel. She was blessed for her obedience to God and became the great-grandmother of King David. She trusted God even in difficult and uncertain times. The book of Ruth tells her story.
Finally, the Woman with the issue of blood teaches us that when all has failed, God never fails. Desperate after years of suffering bleeding for 12 years, she reached out and touched Jesus’ cloak and had faith it would heal her. She was healed immediately when she touched it. Her story reminds us to stay faithful, no matter how hopeless our situation may seem. Her story is told in Luke 8:44 and Mark 5:28-29.
Taking the time to read these stories will fill our minds with hope and encouragement. Their journeys of faith reminds us that God sees, hears, and responds to His people in profound ways. We are reminded that with faith, trust, and persistence, God can use anyone to fulfill His purpose.
These inspiring stories teach us to:
- keep the Faith.
- stand up for what is right.
- trust God in all things.
- remember God’s promises.
- wait patiently in God’s timing.
- stand firm in your commitment to Godly Principles.
- pray without ceasing.
- take confidence that God hears your prayers.
- know that God will see you through.
Just like Sarah, Hagar, Hannah, Esther and Ruth, we too can trust and take confidence in God knowing that He will always be with us. and see us through all that we will face.
What wonderful examples these women were. Your article is encouraging and spurs me on to a deeper walk with the Lord!
THANKS Cynthia!! Once again, your timing is PERFECT!! (James 1:17) So it GOD’S!!