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Hear My Prayer, O Lord!

June 9, 20231 commentAuthor Kri Chiarillo

Guest Post:  Kri Chiarillo lives in sunny Florida and is passionate about using her writing as a positive influence on others. 

Prayer. Little else will throw a person of belief into turmoil than the times they are either working to establish a routine for prayer or when they have found themselves not praying as often, or with the quality they feel they should. I’ve been there all too often, myself.

Some days it comes so easily. I wake and it’s the first thought in my mind, and I earnestly pray. The same can be said when I lay my head down for the night. Often, I find myself saying little prayers throughout the day. And just as often I try and come up with something that does not seem rote and repetitive. I want God to know I am trying to talk to HIM, not just rattling off a prayer because I feel like I should be doing that. I do not always accomplish this.

However, just as we do not appreciate gifts given in obligation where you just grab “something” off the shelf, God does not want your obligated prayer. This does not mean you should stop praying when you are just “not feeling it”. It may mean you need to pray for your heart to be softened and wisdom be granted to you. It may be time to fall back on the example Jesus gave us in both the book of Matthew (Chapter 6, verses 9-13) and Luke (Chapter 11, verses 2-4).

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Contributing Writer:  Kri Chiarillo blog posts can be read on her website. She is passionate about using her writing as a positive influence on others. 



  • I agree and think Kri nails it with her insight on prayer. Obligated prayer is not what God wants and each of us individually can assess our situation and can be creative in approaching Our Father. We all have unique personalities with strengths and weaknesses. That is why God chose us, for our individuality, so our prayers should match that.

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