Courage Is What We Need / Author: Cynthia Greene
“ Fear thou not; for I am with thee: do not be afraid; for I am thy God: I will give you strength; and I will help you…” (Isaiah 41:10, NLV)
What is Courage?
Courage is having the mental strength to face hardship. It is having the strength to do something despite your fear. The world tells us that to become courageous you need to: believe in yourself, identify your fears, face your fears, possess positive self-talk, and stand-up for you beliefs.
For Christians our courage comes directly from God, it does not come from our own inner-self or our own strength (Psalm 121:1). Christian courage stems from a firm belief that God is on our side (Ps. 108:13), He will never leave us (Deut. 31:6), He will help us (Is 41:10) and that all things work for His good (Rom. 8:28).
A few Bible stories that about Godly courage:
- Gideon led Israel into war against their adversaries (Judges 6).
- David slayed the giant Goliath (1 Samuel 17).
- Daniel in the Lion’s den (Dan 6).
- Esther going before the King (Esther 4-5).
- Hannah was barren waiting for God to provide her a child (I Samuel 1).
- The Apostles were afraid when a storm came upon them (Mark 4).
The same God that gave them courage to go into battle, slay a giant, face a lion, boldly go before the King, endure the ridicule of being barren and enduring a violent sea storm is the same God that will help you through your fears. When the first century Christians were afraid Jesus said: “… Do not be afraid…Take courage! I am here” (Mark 6:50 NLT).
Christian courage gives us the strength to:
- Do the right thing and stand up for the Truths in the Bible.
- Live in honesty, faithfulness and integrity.
- Share the Gospel of Christ with others.
3 Steps to Building Christian Courage:
- Rely on God’s strength and not your own.
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9).
“On the day I called, You answered me; You made me bold with strength in my soul.” (Psalm 31:24, NIV)
We can only face our trials and hardships in life by trusting in God. It is remembering that God is bigger than our problems and that He can and will help us as we seek Him.
In Daniel 3 we read the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, They refused to bow down to the King of Babylon and because of their disobedience they were thrown into a fiery furnace. They were unharmed by the fire and showed courage by obeying God rather than men (Acts 5:29).
- Faith is the Foundation of Courage
Faith and courage are mutually dependent on each other. Faith will give you courage, and courage will give you faith. One definition of Faith is the reading and applying of God’s truths in our lives. Having Bible knowledge is not the same as applying that knowledge, we have to “live by Faith”. Faith is reading His word, praying, and making a commitment to put God’s Truths into action. As we grow in our Faith our courage will be strengthened. This is why people like David, Daniel, Esther and many others mentioned in the Bible had the courage to face their trials–they “lived by Faith” and not “by Sight”. The more time we spend reading God’s Word and communicating with Him the more courage we will have and the less we will feel afraid.
- Pray for Courage
We are never alone when we call on God. Ask Him for courage. Read scriptures in the Bible that demonstrate Godly courage. Read the stories about the men and women of Faith in the Bible. Let this inspire you in your prayers and encourage you.
Being strong and courageous is not our natural response to fear. We need to seek the courage that only comes from God, not the courage the world offers.
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Deut. 31:6)
We will face many things in life that bring may us feelings of fear. Christian courage is what gives us the ability to overcome those fears. It takes courage to believe in an unseen God and His promises. Courage is what helps us to have faith in God no matter what circumstances we face.
Courage is not the absence of fear, but is acting through the fear because we know that God is with us and will help us. Christian courage is the willingness to obey God in spite of the things, feelings, situations, and people that can cause us to be fearful.
- Asking a friend how God gives them courage?
- Send a note of encouragement to a friend of family member.
- Read Article: “Encourage One Another”
- Read the stories about the men and women who demonstrated Godly courage.
- Make a list of scriptures that give you courage.
Suggested Journal Prompts:
- What does Christian courage mean to you?
- Write about a time you were afraid and God gave you courage.
- Write about someone in your life that demonstrates Christian courage.
- Write: “I am afraid of ______” …. “But through God _____________”
Song: Be Still and Know That I am God (Psalm 46)
Song: Courage to Stand
Song: Master the Tempest is Raging
This is **EXCELLENT** Cynthia!! THANKS SO MUCH for sharing it with others!!
Cynthia Greene
You are welcome. I hope it encourages you and others that God will give us courage in our time of need.