Guest Post: Kri Chiarillo lives in sunny Florida and is passionate about using her writing as a positive influence on others.

Communication an Attribute of God
It may seem strange to you that I include communication as an attribute of God, but it is clear to me that He has gone out of His way to leave us with a blueprint that allows us to align our lives to His perfect ways. He did this by communicating with various people, which led to the inspired writings we find in our Bibles today. It is essentially a very long letter where He cautions and gives us hope using a mixture of ancient history and storytelling.
Now, before you start to argue that imperfect men either wrote these things or that the Bible has seen many changes and mis-translations, I will refer you back to my previous post, where I gave you a helpful link on how to effectively study your Bible. God is not the one that mixed and mistranslated things, and I think He deserves our time and effort to unravel any of the complications man might have added to that.
I further this thought by saying: Even with man’s faulty attempts and possible poor motivations, God has made it possible to find His truth. You just have to be willing to put in the work. He will personally guide us through the Holy Spirit to gain understanding and Wisdom. Do not fear praying for this each time you pick up your Bible to read and study the words within it.
Because we want to emulate God and His first begotten Son, Jesus -here I remind you that the name “Jesus” is His English Translated name- it stands to reason we would want to learn and engage in effective communication. Not only will this help us draw comfort and guidance from one another, but we will also find ourselves better able to teach those who do not have an understanding but whose hearts are ready to receive it. Again, praying to improve your communication skills is a good place to start if you feel lacking in this area.
Communication as a Ministry
As a ghostwriter, clear communication is vital to my writing ministry. Would it surprise you that when it comes to speaking, I constantly stumble over my words, forget what I was going to say, or simply remain at a loss? I also lack the ability to clearly understand the spoken word at times due to some neurological damage I suffered from seizures. Yet, here I am communicating to you through the written word.
It’s an amazing gift, and I feel incredibly blessed that God provided me a way to express myself through poetry and short fiction when strong emotions overcome me. From there, I found myself with an odd knack for writing what I now know is called “creative non-fiction.” That is, I could incorporate storytelling to help motivate others to accept the challenge I put forth. My purpose for these challenges is simply a desire to help others live a life they love. One that honors God and encourages the people around them
So, my challenge for you today is to start looking for people you have not communicated with in a long time and reach out to them. Just tell them, “Hello! I know it’s been a while, but I was just thinking about you (and your family). I hope you are well!”. I also encourage you to take a pen and write some letters this weekend. You could use notebook paper, extra cards lying around (I always seem to have random cards I always meant to send out), or purchase stationery. It really does not matter. Of course, you will need to get some stamps unless you live close enough; you could drop off the letter or card yourself. You may also have some stamps already stashed away in a forgotten drawer.
Communicating With Others
Before I conclude this, I want to direct you to a card ministry I belong to. This is a blessed opportunity to reach out to others outside your immediate circle and show them brotherly or sisterly love. If you want to check it out, please head to Peaceable Thoughts and look. You will even find free printables that you can place into the envelope of those you write to!
Until next time,
Your friend Kurious Kri